Monthly Archives: April 2017

Friday Statudanceatopia: Nature Dancing

Achievement: #5. Inappropriate Dancing

We clear a bit more of the backlog with a slightly overdue inappropriate dancing post. To make up for it, we did *way* more inappropriate dancing than usual! Continue reading

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Filed under #5, #5-17, beach, california, central coast, dance, dancing, hiking, morro rock, national park, nature, SLO county

Proper Cocktail Hump Day: Singani Corpse Reviver #2

Achievement: #67. Craft Cocktail Lab

Now that we know about the joys of singani, we’re psyched to try it in lots of cocktails! First up: we made a take on the classic Corpse Reviver #2, using Singani 63 in place of gin. Examine the results! Continue reading

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Filed under #67, #67-17, booze, cocktails, drinking, education, home bar, USBG

Baseball, Booze, & Bartenders — Singani-Style

Achievement: #82. USBG Event

Fox and I are entering our 4th year as members of the Pittsburgh chapter of the US Bartenders Guild, and this past week we got to attend our most fun event yet: a Pirates baseball game hosted by Singani 63, featuring cocktails, swag bags, and a very special celebrity guest. Continue reading

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Filed under #82, #82-17, baseball, buccos, cocktails, downtown, drinking, USBG

Cheese Of The Month Club: Spanish Cheeses (And Hellraiser Puns)

Achievement: #13. Cheese of the Month Club

We bring to you a fresh installment of Cheese of the Month Club, focused on Spanish cheeses. (And also, because we were watching the movie Hellraiser while eating them, a disturbing amount of Hellraiser wordplay.) Continue reading

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Filed under #13, #13-17, charcuterie, cheese, cheese of the month club, movies, pennmac, strip district

Jelly Of The Month Club: Fess Parker Apricot-Riesling-Vanilla Jam

Achievement: #12. Jelly of the Month Club

As we continue in catch-up mode, we present to you the belated April installment of Jelly of the Month Club, featuring a treat we hauled back (ok, mailed back to ourselves) from California. Continue reading

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Filed under #12, #12-17, california, jelly, jelly of the month, layla, santa barbara county

Proper Cocktail Hump Day: Golden Glove

Achievement: #67. Craft Cocktail Lab

As baseball season gets underway, we present a tasty, citrusy spin on the classic daiquiri for you to enjoy. (And go Pirates!) Continue reading

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Filed under #67, #67-17, booze, cocktails, drinking, education, home bar