Monthly Archives: January 2010

Cooking Light Challenge: Seared Scallops

Achievement: #7. Make 26 different recipes from Cooking Light

Our third recipe (but second meal) from Cooking Light was a seafood dish. I’m crazy about seafood, and scallops in particular, and we were quite pleased with the results! This is a pasta centered on seared scallops with roasted tomatoes. … Continue reading

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Filed under #7, #7-10, cooking, food, healthy

Kitchen = Pretty-fied

Achievement: #70. Re-do the ground floor lights | #95. Average one house project per month

Back in August of 2009, we took the plunge and bought a house. Since we’re both fairly ambitious people who seem to welcome challenges (even when we probably shouldn’t), we decided to buy a beautiful 1905 house that required a … Continue reading

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Filed under #70, #70-10, #95, #95-10, house

Cooking Light Challenge: Grilled Pork & Garlic Potatoes

Achievement: #7. Make 26 different recipes from Cooking Light

One of our goals for the year ties in with our decision to try to be healthier in general. I’ve been a long-time subscriber to Cooking Light magazine, and I decided that it was time to stop just looking at … Continue reading

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Filed under #7, #7-10, cooking, food, healthy

Lucy’s First Day Home

Achievement: #81. Get a puppy

Getting a puppy is something we had talked a whole lot about before we actually did it. We knew we wanted a little beast to make our family complete, but we were waiting for just the right time and just … Continue reading

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Filed under #81, #81-10, family, lucy

Angie’s 21st

Achievement: #99. Take Angie out for her twenty-first birthday

This year, Michael’s ‘little’ sister hit the big milestone and turned twenty-one. Since she’d had to suffer through both of her brothers’ twenty-firsts (these are long stories which the guys may or may not be willing to recount to the … Continue reading

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Filed under #99, #99-10, family

First Night 2010

Achievement: #25. Go to 2010 First Night

When you become an investor, youll be using yourmoney to buy more bitcoins. The way you do that is, you sell other investment opportunities on the same market. Its like a stock or an ETF. Except you dont get paid … Continue reading

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Filed under #25, #25-10, pittsburgh

Financially investing in your future

Achievement: None Tagged.

There are mаnу dіffеrеnt rеаѕоnѕ whу реорlе invest to provide a futurе іnсоmе. Although most реорlе rесеіvе thеіr рrіmаrу іnсоmе thrоugh thеіr ѕаlаrу, ѕоmе people need tо supplement thіѕ income thrоugh оthеr means tо fund thеіr lіfеѕtуlе gоаlѕ оr mаnаgе … Continue reading


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