Monthly Archives: December 2010

“Roethlisberger” Showdown: Peppi’s

Achievement: #67. Eat a Roethlisburger at GM Dog and Burger Shoppe and Peppiā€™s and compare

So, since we’re superstitious people, and we ate our first Roethlisburger on the day of the first Bengals game, and then pulled off the win by some act of majesty, we decided it would be bad luck if we didn’t … Continue reading


Filed under #67, #67-10, food, pittsburgh, restaurant, steelers

Nerds For WoW, Unite! The Midnight Release For Cataclysm

Achievement: #68. Go to the midnight release of Cataclysm

So I’m sure everyone has picked up on it by now, but we’re nerds. Really serious, dedicated-to-the-cause nerds. We even have matching glasses. (To be fair, mine are the ‘girly’ version, but still, they match.) And this means, of course, … Continue reading

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Filed under #68, #68-10, world of warcraft

Murray Avenue Restaurant Challenge: La Cucina Flegrea

Achievement: #2. Eat at every restaurant on Murray Ave

We had one last big-dinner restaurant on our Murray Ave list, and we chose to try it out on the night of the big World of Warcraft Cataclysm release. I think it goes without saying that an important event like … Continue reading

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Filed under #2, #2-10, dinner, italian food, restaurant

In Soviet Russia Onyxia Downs You (Also, At Our House)

Achievement: #16. Down Onyxia

Ever since we were very low levels, we have dreamed of the day we would be big enough to take down Onyxia. Onyxia was previously one of the toughest bosses in the game, and one of the biggest raids. Even … Continue reading

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Filed under #16, #16-10, fail, world of warcraft

Peeping People And Pigeons At PPG Place

Achievement: #87. People and pigeon watch downtown

When I originally envisioned this Achievement, I was thinking of my years as a secretary (yes, there were years of that), when I worked downtown and wore cute little skirt outfits and had to take crap from chauvinistic stock brokers. … Continue reading

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Filed under #87, #87-10, pittsburgh

In Which Our Dog Dresses Up For Christmas (Quite Voluntarily, We Assure You)

Achievement: #44. Do something Christmassy every day between Thanksgiving and Christmas Eve

Time for the next five photos in our Christmas installment! This time, Lucy gets dressed up for Christmas cards! First of all though, since we couldn’t go to Light Up Night, we stopped down at the PPG Rink to see … Continue reading

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Filed under #44, #44-10, christmas, holiday, lucy

Hold Me Closer, Inappropriate Dancer: Dance-Off At The Spaghetti Warehouse

Achievement: #88. Dance inappropriately in 8 Pittsburgh locations

So, on December 1, a full month before the end of our Achievements for the year, I completed the lengthy Inappropriate Dance Achievement. And I want you to know that this was the most epic of the dances, because not … Continue reading

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Filed under #88, #88-10, dancing, pittsburgh