Category Archives: national park
A Death Valley Sojourn
Our tendency when on vacation is to pack our schedules Way Too Tight, and our whirlwind tour of Death Valley was no exception. On the other hand, this gives us the perfect excuse to spend more time there in the near future! In the meantime, let us whisk you through the desert for a quick overview of what the valley has to offer. Continue reading
Filed under #87, #87-18, california, death valley, desert, hiking, mojave reserve, national park, nature
Our Joshua Tree Return
Last year’s trip to Joshua Tree left us with some mixed results, photography-wise — but this year, we had perfect conditions within which to document the trip. Please enjoy the sights and stargazing photos! Continue reading
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Filed under #75, #75-18, california, joshua tree, national park, nature, stargazing
Friday Statudanceatopia: Nature Dancing
We clear a bit more of the backlog with a slightly overdue inappropriate dancing post. To make up for it, we did *way* more inappropriate dancing than usual! Continue reading
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Filed under #5, #5-17, beach, california, central coast, dance, dancing, hiking, morro rock, national park, nature, SLO county
Our California Holiday: Jaunting Around Joshua Tree
It has been a dream of Fox’s to visit Joshua Tree for years, so this year, we decided to take a 5-hour detour out of San Luis Obispo, down past Los Angeles, and east to the park. It was definitely worth it — we only wish we’d allotted more time to the trip! Continue reading
Filed under #88, #88-16, california, california 2016, hiking, joshua tree, national park, nature
A Pleasant Detour To Hopewell Furnace
While en route to a winter weekend in Atlantic City, we saw signs for a historical site we’d never heard of. So, we took a quick detour and ended up spending a couple hours perusing the *totally awesome* Hopewell Furnace iron plantation. Continue reading
The Many Seals Of Piedras Blancas
Sometimes, our achievements don’t go as planned. (Okay, a *lot* of times.) This is the story of our trip-that-never-was to Piedras Blancas, and the rookery of adorable, floppy-finned mammals that came to our day’s rescue. Continue reading
Filed under #2, #2-13, #41, #41-13, animals, california, central coast, lighthouses, lucy, national park, seals